Sunday, December 4, 2011

Prominent Families under Chainpur Estate - Part I

One of the most prominent Zamindar families within the Chainpur Estate were the families of Babu Gajadhar Prasad Narayan Singh and Babu Surya Deo Narayan Singh, who were cousins. (Early Nineteenth Century, some 200 years ago) Their ancestor shared common property and Zamindari rights at Chainpur and other villages across erstwhile SARAN District of Bihar.

Normally, in the zamindari system in Bihar and also across British India, a system of primogeniture was followed (where the eldest son inherited the major part of the estate or Raj and the other siblings were left with little in comparison). However, Chainpur or most of the Eksaria Clans did not follow the system of primogeniture or estate impartibility. A truly democratic setup where all siblings had equal share to the property. Same was the case with the Zamindari. As such, the Zamindari never could get transformed as a "RAJ".

Babu Gajadhar Prasad Narayan Singh, (mentioned above), married the grand daughter of Zamindar of Maksudpur - Raja Todar Narayan Singh (2nd Raja of Maksudpur) and a prominent land holder of Gaya District. When Raja Todar Narayan Singh died without a male heir, his daughter - Rukmini Kuer became the Rani (1853-1857) and she adopted Babu Gajadhar Prasad Narayan and her only daughter's - minor son - Rameshwar Prasad Narayan Singh.

Thus, a Chainpur Babu became a RAJA.

Rameshwar Prasad Narayan Singh was given the gaddi sometime in 1857 but his maternal grandmother - Rani Rukmini Kuer acted as Regent (1857-59) and subsequently his father - Babu Gjadhar Prasad Narayan Singh became Regent (1859-69) and Rameshwar Prasad Narayan Singh was crowned RAJA in 1891.

After his death in 1902 and lack of male heirs, his younger brother Chandreshwar Prasad Narayan Singh was crowned RAJA of MAKSUDPUR. He brought his share of Chainpur Estate property into MAKSUDPUR RAJ. He died in 1941 and as per his will the Maksudpur Raj passed onto the family goddess, Bhagwatiji.

Both RAJA Rameshwar Prasad Narayan Singh and RAJA Chandreshwar Prasad Narayan Singh had only daughters and none of their maternal grandsons retained property at Chainpur or other villages of SARAN. Their focus shifted to MAKSUDPUR RAJ.


  1. Some corrections: Raja Todar Narain Singh of Maksudpur Raj had only one daughter, Rani Maiya Jhunna Kuer who was married to Gajadhar Prasad Narain Singh of Chainpur Estate. Their eldest son Rameshwar Prasad Narain Singh was adopted by the widow ranis of Raja Todar Narain Singh and he became the Raja of Maksudpur as a minor in 1857 under the regency of his father Gajadhar Prasad Narain Singh. Gajhadhar Prasad Narain Singh was the principal Zamindar of Chainpur Estate ( Raja Patti) and his Chainpur Estate was inherited exclusively by his second son Raja Chandreshwar Prasad Narain Singh. His three other sons had predeceased Gajadhar Prasad Narain Singh. In 1902 Raja Chandreshwar Prasad Narain Singh succeeded to the Maksudpur Raj Gaddi on the death of Raja Rameshwar.Raja Chandreshwar merged his Chainpur Estate ( over 180 villages including Chainpur Khas) with the Maksudpur Raj and his Chainpur Estate became a circle of Maksudpur Raj and remained so till the vesting of the Raj in the State of Bihar in August 1952.Raja Chandreshwar was renowned as a very pious and generous Raja - the popular saying going " upar Ishwar neche Chandreshwar". He endowed his entire Raj and estate at the feet of Maharani Bhagwati installed at the Raj Mandir Palace in Maksudpur Fort with the mandate to apply the surpluses on public benefit programs for the poor and needy amongst his people.He excluded all his four daughters and their heirs from succession to his vast properties in several districts as "they were themselves married to wealthy Zamindars" and needed nothing.Unfortunately all his heirs did not think like him and the Maksudpur Raj Trust created by him remained in suspended animation on account of inter-see family litigation. I am the grandson of his third daughter and now serve as Savait & Trustee to the Maharani Bhagwati. Since the last 12 years the Trust has been trying to, in a modest manner, fulfill the philanthropic mandate of the Raja and has achieved reasonable success.

    1. But why only you become trustee and not include others in committee.

  2. The estates of Babu Gajadhar Prasad Narayan Singh and Babu Surya Deo Narayan Singh were equal across their properties in Chainpur and other places. Both the brothers had equal share in the properties not only in Chainpur but in Chapra and Siwan too. While Babu Gajadhar Prasad NArayan Singh's descendants went onto become RAJAS of MAKSUDPUR RAJ, Babu Surya Deo Narayan Singh's descendants stayed back and lorded over their Zamindaris in SARAN and SIWAN. Because of the close association of the two families - Raja Chandreshwar had requested Babu Trivikram Deo Narayan Singh (s/o Babu Surya Deo Narayan Singh) to let him adopt Babu Trivikram Deo's eldest Grandson - Babu Srinivas Deo Narayan Singh. Trivikram Deo refused and as destiny had separate plans for both of them - Babu Sriniwas Deo Narayan Singh would go onto become an MLA and several time MLC of the Bihar Assembly and would remain active as the "MUKHIYA" of CHAINPUR till death. Babu Trivikram Deo Narayan Singh lived mostly at TELPA - CHAPRA (SARAN) and was popularly known as TELPA KOTHI. It still exists and was very much centric to his Zamindari Operations across SARAN.

    1. We still visit our house in chainpur and u have gathered som much knowledge about my family past but there's a mistake which u made in between para's 🙄

  3. We are descendants of Late Veerbhadra Prasad Narain Singh,son of Sri. Dharmjeet Narain Singh, and later migrated to Varanasi"s estate holder bechu narain singh

    1. Is that you are saying u r descendant of veerbhadra Singh whose family went to Varanasi then my buddy we are from the same family

  4. Please Contact Dr. APN SINGH ON 09839146082 to have full details of the eksariya lineage of chainpur clan. I invite all my brothers to join in.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm the descendant of chainpur estate and I'm amazed about so may things written over here
