Saturday, September 3, 2011

Eksaria Bhumihar Zamindars - Origin

By the end of the sixteenth (16th) century, the EKSARIA BHUMIHARS got a foothold in the erstwhile district of SARAN, Bihar. The pivotal person was JAGARNATH DIXIT, who settled in the village of EKSAR, by early sixteenth century. They managed to expand and hold out large territories but they could never form a unified lineage and thus lead to the formation of a "RAJ". Jagarnath Dixit's descendants were able to expand their territories as the state did not resist and there was abundance of male heirs.
The two youngest sons of Jagarnath moved to other parganas while the eldest two remained behind. The Eldest, SARAN RAI - on whose name SARAN District (present Chapra, Siwan and Gopalganj Districts) was named- had 4 sons - Each of whom formed villages and zamindaris. The second oldest son of Jagarnath had no issue.
SARAN RAI's descendants settled at different places and formed different zamindaris. The first son created the MAJHA line of zamindars, the second - NATH RAI - settled at PARSA and subsequently his descendants moved to CHAINPUR ZAMINDARI. The third son produced the lineage which resulted in the RUSI and KHAIRA ZAMINDARIS. The youngest became the pioneer for the BAGOURA Zamindari. Famously, they were known as the CHOU-BHAIYAS. (FOUR BROTHERS)


  1. Do you have the Chainpur Estate genealogy. I believe there were many branches originating from the original founder -- descendant of Nath Rai. This is an ancient lineage amongst the erstwhile the landed aristocracy of Bihar and needs to be documented and recorded in public domain so that it is not lost.Shall be grateful if someone can help with the information.

    1. Our family migrated from Chainpur to Majaulia Estate (Sitamarhi district) in 1857 as refugee post failed revolt. My bare Chahchaji compiled the Kursinama from Shree Khemkaran Dixit to till date. He got initial one from one of our family temple from Chainpur where it was written on stone (perhaps). As he is no more, I do not know about the temple source. If any body is having any information, kindly share with me. you can contact through my email:

      Dr. Kamaleshwar Pratap

    2. Can you tell in which state and when all the three daughters of Chandeswar Maharaj were married?

  2. Watch this space for more. Will be sharing a lot of details of what the Chainpur Estate Zamindars are upto and how they are managing their villages in Chapra, Siwan and Gopalganj.
    Cheers !

  3. Replies
    1. i belong to Parsa Garh, share your interest, i can help you for sure.

  4. I want to know more about Khaira Estate.I am a Eksariya Bhumihar. My village is about 3 km from Khaira.I believe that I owe my ancestory to Khaira.As per popular folklore, there was a fight in Khaira family and it was divided in seven part , which subsequently developed in seven different villages. My village was one of them.There was also a fort in Khaira.

    1. As soon as we get details on the Khaira family we shall publish the same. Will try to look up old records and talk to the elders to figure out. Even though there were differences and the family split into 7 parts - now the family dominates in those 7 villages and maybe several other villages. God has been always there for us.

  5. There are many questions in my mind.What is the estimated Eksariya population now. Are all eksariyas are descendant of Jagarnath Dixit or there are other proginator. Despite huge population, how come only few big Eksaiya zamindaris evolved.

  6. I must say I am really impressed by the documentation on this blog. I myself belong from the family of Babu Vishwanath Prasad Narain Singh of Chainpur my Grand father. The images of temple you shared was built by my grandfather. I need more inputs and authentic historical references, it will be great if you can help me. Please let me know how I can get in touch with you.

  7. Do you know who the wife of Sarabjit(Sarvajeet) Pratap Bahadur Sahi of Tamkuhi Estate was? I am from the Tamkuhi Raj family and I know that he was married to someone from the Rusi Zamindari in the Chhapra District of Bihar.His son's name was Chatrapati Pratap Bahadur Sahi,Alias Hira Sahi or Hira Saheb.

  8. Do you know which son or grand son of Jaganath Dixit moved to Khukhundu a village in Deoria district? And in which century or decade they moved? I am a eksariya Bhumihar presently in Bigahi, Hathua. My forefathers Baba Bhasi Rai had moved from Khukhundu to Bigahi. Bhasi Rai's Pokhra is still there.

  9. Jagrnath dikshit was not married .he was a sage .they were his nephew who ruled over province of saran like Maza, parshagadh, bagaura,and other . I also belong to that family

  10. Actually the origin place of jagrnath dikshit(who was living in near ekshar now Ekma ) was Namisharnya city of Utrakhand. The migrated in 16th century when the king of Nepal gifted the Raj of 14 paragana to Sri Dikshit who was neither married or had his son . So he asked his nephews to come and accept the proposal . The first state was parshagadh near ekshar now ekma and letter on other provinces were allotted as per the need of time . The state of parshagadh was succeeded by babu Prem prasad narayan singh and his successor . Sir C p n singh , Maheshwar prasad narayan singh , deepeswar prasad narayan singh Raj narayan singh are some famous name of the same parshagadh family of eksariya bhumihar history. They are now succeeded by there successor Awdhes Pd.N. Singh, K.P.N. singh, V.P.N. Singh and others

    1. Was there any Raghav Prasad Narayan Singh as a successor too?

  11. Jagrnath dikshit was not married .he was a sage .they were his nephew who ruled over province of saran like Maza, parshagadh, bagaura,and other . I also belong to that family

  12. I want to know who was the zamindar of my village are Bhtakan Khem in Ziradei block ( the native place of Dr. Rajendra Prasad) in Siwan district ? I know that my ancestor Budhisan Lal ( we are Srivastava Kayasthas) was a Zamindar in late 19th century. His descendents got Zamindari bonds later. Can u please help me ? My id-
    I am also an explorer and a film maker.

  13. We are Eksariya Bhumihar, settled in Village Bhaisahi in Gopalganj district. People say that our ancesoanc migrated to this place frof midistrict in Uttar Pradesh.
    If this story is true, how come we are associated with the village EksarKin Saran ?
    Will someone this some light on this ?

  14. I am Eksaria bhumihar of Ramchandrapur village near Thawe Dist Gopalganj.we want to know from where our purwaj came and settled here .Some people said that our purwaj came from Kathgharwa neargopalganj .

    1. Hi ! Brother I am also from Ramchandrapur , Gopalganj . There is a very good chance we are related . Mahendra Singh , Hanuman Singh , Tengad Singh , Rambali Singh , Dena Nath Singh , Triguna Singh are my ancestors , if you know any of them or maybe ask any of your village elders . I maybe your cousin ( especially if our families have filed cases against each other )

    2. This Ramchandrapur ? - Ramchandra Pur
      Bihar 841440

  15. I am eksaria bhumihar from Fatehpir, Paliganj, Patna district. My grand to grand 7th father name is Babu Pahlu singh. He was migrated from parsouni chhapra village. Can you help me the find out the vansh tree.

  16. Good information about our forefathers.Thanks.

  17. मैं हकाम , बैकुंठपुर गोपालगंज का एकसरिया भूमिहार हूं और मेरे बाबा तक हम यहां के जमींदार होते थे ।
