Monday, December 2, 2013

CHAINPUR ~ The Place , The Temples , The Dieties and much more

As one comes into Chainpur, one of the most important things we would notice are the different temples , the dieties' which itself has so much to say about the history of the place and off course the different Bhumihar Zamindar Families who while being dominant never forgot their family dieties or their temples.                                                           
So, one of the most memorable temples is that of the RAJA of Maksudpur and a Chainpur Babu - RAJA CHANDRESHWAR PRASAD NARAYAN SINGH which is situated in the main bazaar of Chainpur. Even, the local Police Station is within the four walls of the temple. And outside the temple you have all the shops on Raja Saheb's land. In the below photograph, the Chainpur Police Station is on the left side of the entrance to the sanctum of the temple.
Following are some of the dieties in the above Temple -

 And remember that Eksariyas who are from Parashar Gotra should follow this-  पराशर गोत्र वाले के लिए  भगवान शंकर का  आराधना करना उनका सबसे बड़ा फ़र्ज़ है। क्योंकि मकसूदपुर एव चैनपुर के यह राजा साहेब ने महादेव का शिव लिंग बनाया अतः यह युग युगान्तर के लिए अमर हो गए। हर हर महादेव।

और जहाँ शिवत्व नहीं वहाँ दया नहीं बल्कि वहाँ शून्य होता है , वहाँ ईर्ष्या , अन्याय ही होता है। और शिवत्व के होने से वहाँ न्याय होता है , संवेदना होता है , धर्म  और संस्कार का पालन होता है।